Print ISSN:-2395-1354
Online ISSN:-2395-1362
Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 189-192
Background: Diaphyseal fracture of radius is traditionally approached by Henry’s volar approach and
Thomson’s dorsal approach. They have their limitations and complications. A new lateral approach and its
modification were described recently. We retrospectively evaluated the results of patients who underwent
radius plating using modified direct lateral approach at our institution.
Materials and Methods: Modified lateral approach to radius utilises the plane between extensor carepi
radialis longus (ECRL and extensor carepi radialis brevis (ECRB). Twenty patients with diapyseal fracture
of radius and ulna underwent open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Radius was fixed using direct
lateral approach. Patient were assessed clinically and radigraphicaly at 6, 9 and 12 months.
Results: Average tourniquet time is 32minutes (range 25 to 50mimutes). No wound infection and
neurovascular deficit. There was one delayed union of radius and no non union. Average arc of fore arm
rotation was 142.30and average wrist arc of motion was 142.80.
Conclusions: Direct lateral approach less traumatic as the surgical plane is devoid of vital neurovascular
structure. The clinical and radiological results were comparable to studies which used standard volar and
dorsal approaches. But its potential as an alternate to standard approaches has to be proved by randomized
case control study in a large series of patients.
Keywords: Modified lateral approach, Lateral platting, ORIF of radius, Exposure, Radius fracture.
How to cite : Backiaraj D, Samynathan G , Vignesh R , Nallan R , Navaneethan A , Retrospective analysis of diaphyseal fracture of radius fixation using modified lateral approach and lateral platting. Indian J Orthop Surg 2020;6(3):189-192
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