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Bilateral anterior glenohumeral dislocation: Two rare scenarios and pathomechanics

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Case Report

Author Details : Mahesh Kulkarni, Sourab Shetty*, Sandeep Vijayan, Sharath K Rao

Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020

Article Page : 259-262

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Shoulder dislocations, when they occur, are usually unilateral. Conditions such as epilepsy, electrocution or
trauma may present with bilateral dislocations but these are majorly posterior. Hence anterior dilocations
when they present with bilaterality are due to simultaneous impact on either sides during trauma and are
usually associated with fractures. Pure bilateral anterior dislocations without associated fractures following
a case of epilepsy is rarely reported. We are reporting two cases of bilateral anterior shoulder dislocation
unassociated with fractures, with less likely etiologies, one was following an epileptic episode and other
following road traffic accident. The patho-mechanism and management of these rare injuries are also
Synchronicity of the force acting on bilateral shoulders makes anterior dislocations a rarer entity than
posterior dislocations. Though there is a chance of missing these injuries in the initial presentation,
understanding the pathomechanics can help in early diagnosis and timely intervention.

Keywords: Anterior shoulder dislocation, Bilateral, Bilateral dislocation, Dislocation, Epilepsy.

How to cite : Kulkarni M , Shetty S , Vijayan S, Rao S K , Bilateral anterior glenohumeral dislocation: Two rare scenarios and pathomechanics. Indian J Orthop Surg 2020;6(3):259-262

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