Print ISSN:-2395-1354
Online ISSN:-2395-1362
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : , Year : 2016
Article Page : 11-18
The likelihood of experiencing an episode of low back pain increases with age, and 85% of people will have at least one episode in their lifetime. Prevalence of low back pain is next only to headache.
Total 50 patients (28 male and 22 female) who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent epidural steroid injection. Patient pain scaling is done before performing the procedure, after 48 hours, after 2 weeks, after 3 months of the procedure. The proposed pain scale to be used is Numerical Rating Scale.
Out of total 50 patients, after 48 hours it was found 30 patients had mild pain (NRS 1-3 ),18 patients moderate pain (NRS 4-6) and 2 patient continued to have severe pain (NRS 7-10). After 2 weeks it was found 24 patients to be mild pain, 24 patients with moderate pain and 2 patient with severe pain. After 3 months it was found 14 patients had mild pain, 32 patients had moderate pain and 4 patients had severe pain.
The effect of epidural steroid injection decreases with time. The local effect of steroids has been shown to last at least 2 to 3 weeks at a therapeutic level.
Epidural Steroid Injection is a safe, effective, & economical treatment modality for LBP. It reduces the period of hospitalization, analgesic intake & facilitates the institution of early rehabilitative programs.
Keywords: Low Back Pain; Conservative Management; Epidural Steroid Injection
How to cite : K.t M, Mitra D, Wasdev A, Bhattacharya S, Management of Low Back Pain by Administration of Epidural Steroid Injection. Indian J Orthop Surg 2016;2():11-18
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