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Received : 09-02-2022

Accepted : 24-05-2022

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A prospective comparative study on knee preservation surgeries in patients with osteoarthritis based on detailed evaluation of radiological parameters pre and post intervention

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Original Article

Author Details : Anand Bhushan*, Shruti Chaubey, Rajesh Goel, Akshat Vijay

Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2022

Article Page : 196-199

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Knee osteoarthritis is a common joint disease, with an incidence of 30% of the population older than 60 years. The current belief is that the load is distributed along the mechanical axis, which is generally medial to the centre of the knee. Osteotomies to change the mechanical axis has been long described as a treatment of medial compartment OA, and proximal fibular osteotomy being the recent addition. The authors aimed to evaluate the change in radiological parameters of the knee alignment and asses its statistical significance. It is a hospital based prospective pre and post interventional study done at New Hospital Medical College Kota. The Sample size was calculated to be 34 subjects at ?-error 0.05 and study power 80%. Radiological parameters were assessed in terms of Femorotibial angle, Mechanical axis deviation and Lateral joint space under standard magnification. Radiological parameters depicting the change in knee alignment were found to be statistically significant. Also, it correlates well with that described in other established studies.

Keywords: Osteoarthritis, Femorotibial angle, Mechanical axis deviation, Lateral joint space.

How to cite : Bhushan A, Chaubey S, Goel R, Vijay A, A prospective comparative study on knee preservation surgeries in patients with osteoarthritis based on detailed evaluation of radiological parameters pre and post intervention. Indian J Orthop Surg 2022;8(3):196-199

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