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Received : 07-01-2023

Accepted : 17-03-2023

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Giant cell tumour of proximal radius – A rare case report of treatment, with resection & custom- made radial head prosthesis

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Case Report

Author Details : Subhash M Mohite, Shreyas Kanakpur*, Harish Kanakpur

Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2023

Article Page : 262-265

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Background: Giant cell tumour is locally aggressive benign lesion arising from epiphysis of long bones, common in 2nd and 3rd decade of life. The most commonest sites being, lower end radius, upper end tibia, and lower end femur. Treatment depends upon stage of disease
Case History: Presenting here with a case of 36-yrs old male presented with pain and swelling at rt elbow. Patient having GCT arising from upper end radius, was treated with excision of lesion and reconstruction of 4-cm defect with custom-made radial head prosthesis.
Discussion: A literature review of GCT upper end radius is very scanty, hardly any reports available, however for a lesion involving head and around 3-cm of neck with pathological #, treatment remains excision of tumour and reconstruction with prosthetic radial head.

Keywords: GCT, Proximal radius, Resection, Reconstruction with prosthetic radial head.

How to cite : Mohite S M, Kanakpur S, Kanakpur H, Giant cell tumour of proximal radius – A rare case report of treatment, with resection & custom- made radial head prosthesis. Indian J Orthop Surg 2023;9(4):262-265

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