Print ISSN:-2395-1354

Online ISSN:-2395-1362


Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery


Table of Contents

Year-2017 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 1

Treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fractures with cemented bipolar prosthesis- A prospective study

Author : Lokesh Gudda Naik, Krishna Sudhakar Badgire, Gaurav Mahesh Sharma, Faisal Qureshi

Doi :   Page No : 27-30

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Treatment of diaphyseal fractures of humerus with functional brace

Author : Rohit Bhandari, Ratnakar Ambade, NS Dhaniwala, Sanjay Deshpande, Pradeep K. Singh

Doi :   Page No : 36-42

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Role of vitamin- D in carpal tunnel syndrome

Author : Shailesh Gupta, Ravindra Gupta

Doi :   Page No : 43-45

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Outcomes of fractures of lateral end of clavicle using different modalities of management

Author : Apoorva Vijaysinh Dodia, Purvi A. Dodia, Aparna V. Dodia, Pratik Shah

Doi :   Page No : 54-58

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Case Report

Traumatic rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon due to hyperextension of wrist

Author : Nitin Bhimrao Patil, Prashant Alwani, Jayesh Pawar, Yogesh Narkhede

Doi :   Page No : 105-107

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Chronic midfoot pain and swelling- a diagnostic dilemma?

Author : Shuaib Ahmed, Prashant Acharya, Arjun Naik, Terence D’souza

Doi :   Page No : 108-110

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