Print ISSN:-2395-1354

Online ISSN:-2395-1362


Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery


Table of Contents

Year-2021 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3

Review Article

The role of the anterolateral ligament in the rotation stability of the knee

Author : Azidis Georgios*, Drossos Georgios, Tilkeridis Konstantinos, Fiska Aliki, Athanasios Ververidis

Doi :   Page No : 181-188

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Original Article

Proximal fibular osteotomy in medial OA knee

Author : Ankit Thora, Deepak Mantri, Kumar Rahul*, Achyut Ravi

Doi :   Page No : 189-193

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Comparison between outcome of various modalities of management of distal tibia fractures

Author : Raviraj Solanki*, Rahul M Salunkhe, Ishan R Shevate, Ashwin Deshmukh, Anirudh Kumar Singh Kandari

Doi :   Page No : 201-206

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Dual mobility total hip arthroplasty for treatment of displaced fracture neck of femur

Author : Aubrey Conrad Franco*, Sharath Ramanatha Kittankere, Naresh Shetty, Ashok Kumar P, Rahul P

Doi :   Page No : 246-253

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Post-traumatic hip dislocation in a child less than 10-years-old: A rare case report

Author : Sarvesh Kakhandaki*, Deepak Vashishth, Shreepad Kulkarni, Vinay Bableshwar, Anil Bulgound, Dayanand B

Doi :   Page No : 264-266

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