Print ISSN:-2395-1354

Online ISSN:-2395-1362


Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery


Table of Contents

Year-2022 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1

Original Article

Management of proximal humerus fracture with plate osteosynthesis

Author : Sunil Kumar Koneru, Suresh Babu Surapaneni*, Anvesh Kumar Edara

Doi :   Page No : 4-9

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Overview of operative modalities and their functional outcomes for adult degenerative scoliosis: How to chose wisely!

Author : Ketan S Khurjekar, Himanshu G Kulkarni*, Siddarth Kothari, Shailesh R Hadgaonkar, Ajay R Kothari, Parag K Sancheti

Doi :   Page No : 32-38

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To evaluate the outcome of vacuum assisted closure in open fractures of tibia

Author : Vivek Mittal, Arjun Uppal, Rajat Kappor, C. P. Pal, Jaydeep Patel, Sushil K Saini, Rohit Yadav*

Doi :   Page No : 49-52

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